Oaks Fine Art

Welcome to Oaks Fine Art, the website of artist lithographer Simon Burder.

Printmaking came to Oaks Park Studios when Simon first moved his Krause lithography press into his studio in 1995. Short courses were started three years later and other artists began to find their way to the studio to learn to use lithography for themselves or to produce editions with Simon’s collaborative assistance.

Oaks Editions Lithography Studio has become known as one of the few places in England dedicated to making artists’ lithographs from stone.

More presses were acquired and the community of artists visiting the studio to make prints grew. Eventually, in 2021 the opportunity came to move into the studio next door and form Oaks Park Printmakers, a collective studio for relief and intaglio printmaking, currently with 14 members.

The two studios are part of the wider group of Oaks Park Artists, who hold Open Studios each summer and sometimes at other times of year.

Simon Burder

Oaks Park Printmakers

Oaks Editions Lithography

Oaks Park Open Studios